Sorry, but the corny English teacher couldn't resist using homophones in the title. :)
The said "dear little deer art" below was inspired by a similar piece that I saw on the Better Homes & Gardens website, but I can't, for the life of me, find the page anymore. If anyone spies it out there on the world wide web, please let me know so I can link to it!
I simply used my Cricut to cut out 8 baby deer and one plant in different color paper (that all mesh with my craft room color scheme), then adhered them to a larger white piece of paper to go in the frame. I put my own spin on the BHG idea by matting three of the deer on old book pages instead of just on the white paper. The extra varied texture created by the pages is a nice touch.
I could hang it on the wall, but for now, I think it looks sweet just leaning on my craft table.
You could use any shape you wanted for this particular project, but the reason I selected the baby deer is because A) they made me say "awww..." and B) Rick and his family have gone camping in Allegany State Park--where there are typically tons of deer around--just about every summer since he was crawling around in diapers and eating bugs off of the ground. So I thought it would be a sweet representation of his traditional childhood--and now adulthood!--vacations. And in case you were wondering, he no longer crawls around in diapers, but he still does occasionally eat bugs off of the ground. Oh wait, that's our cat. Sorry, sweetie. :)
So that's my simple die-cut frame project that cost me $0 since the frame had been a gift and the paper was already on hand. How about you? Any free, or close to free, projects happening lately? Any decor that reminisces on your childhood or vacations? Feel free to share! :)
Those deer sure are dear! We've been working on a few projects in our girls room. I need to get the second coat of paint on. I'm not sure why the motivation to do the first coat isn't there for the second!
Amy, I'm with ya--it's way more exciting to do the first coat than the second. Hope you find the motivation to get to it soon! :)
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I simply used my Cricut to cut out 8 baby deer and one plant in different color paper (that all mesh with my craft room color scheme), then adhered them to a larger white piece of paper to go in the frame. I put my own spin on the BHG idea by matting three of the deer on old book pages instead of just on the white paper. The extra varied texture created by the pages is a nice touch.
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